ABOUT Brick Repair Dallas

Champion Brick Repair Dallas
There are about 200 brick repair companies in Dallas, Texas from that only about 10 are reliable reputable companies. Champion Brick Repair is the pinnacle of these brick repair companies.
The Dallas Brick Repair office of Champion Brick Repair is the only brick repair company in Dallas to provide the following:
Lifetime Warranty -Our lifetime warranty guarantee's that the brick and mortar repair will match as long as the structure is standing.
Champion Brick Repair System -The Champion System is perfected to blend our repair to match any mortar.
Fully Insured and Bonded.-All our employees are bonded through Gaslamp Insurance, and we are insured to cover 1,000,000 each occurrence.
Training and Certified Techs -No other brick repair company in Dallas certifies every tech they send out. Champion Brick Repair won't send underqualified masonry tech's to repair any mortar, brick, or masonry joint.
Dallas Brick Repair projects include some of the state's most known properties. We have successfully restored the brick veneer and mortar on many historic buildings in Dallas. Engineers planning historic renovation projects will specify the Champion Brick Repair System when designing the masonry brick repair of these historic job. That's because the Champion Brick Repair System is so accurate that we back our repair for life.